hello ppl:)
alrighty! so we've reached the end of week 4.. yep.. and we've completed LA FPS project so far.. and oh.. some people have alr taken part of IH's load off their shoulders.. lucky shitzx la you all.. haha.. anyway.. my purpose in blogging today is to update you ppl about upcoming activities your super awesome welfare reps have come up with..
so as you know.. v day is coming.. i mean.. can't you feel it.. love is in the air.. ok.. nvm.. anyway.. so for this year's valentine's day, jude and i have decided to make everyone feel LOVED.. how so? well, all we need you to do.. is to bring a v day gift (about 3-5 bucks) on FRIDAY, 13th FEB, and we will exchange gifts.. like in a lucky draw manner.. you know how it works right? nvm, if you don't.. you'll get a gift anyway.. haha.. so yes.. REMEMBER TO GO GET A NICE PRESENT FOR YOUR EVEN NICER CLASSMATE. THEY WILL LOVE YOU AS MUCH AS YOU LOVE THEM!
ok.. according to audie, our class fund has been unfrozen.. so we won't have cash flow problems anymore.. and err.. what some ppl in class are proposing.. is to reconsider the clas tshirt idea.. since we can spend the $$ now, why not go make a class tee.. some classes have personalised class products alr lor.. and we.. we don't have anything.. how can?? so.. let's have a class tshirt alright? people who are STRONGLY against the idea.. pls let me or jude know.. only if there are no objections will we approach miss soon on this matter:)
kk.. erm.. what are class outings for? to bond la duhh.. anyway.. yes.. let's have more class outings this year.. like official ones whereby EVERYBODY comes.. unless you have irritating things on.. like err.. piano lessons or maths tuition.. or i don't know.. something.. but otherwise.. you must comeeeeee.. then we can learn to love each other more.. YAY.. anyway.. any suggestions where and when we can go on such outings.. people have suggested
during holidays la.. haha.. yep..
ok.. last but not least, CLASS CHALET
yes yes.. let's have a class chalet.. since it'll be fun.. and we can bond too.. haha.. however, this might cost more.. like maybe 5 to 8 bucks per person? is that even enough? haha.. yea.. but it'll be nice to have a class chalet.. anyone with objections.. if everyone agrees to it, jude and i can go find nice and cheap places.. then we can ask miss soon too.. YAY
HAHAHA.. so yes.. see how efficient your welfare reps are? DON'T YOU LOVE US? get us gifts for v day la! HEHE.. okok.. good night ppl, have a nice life..