IS1103 bio test details [not the assessment week one, its another small 5% test]
date: 7th may 2008
day: wednesday
venue: we might want to go to IS lab, in view of mr lye's [fractured] knee? he cant possible climb 4 flights of stairs in that. (those who have no idea whats going on about his leg, please read his blog. its found together with the other classes' links)
topic: everything on eye, including eye diseases
- i've given you the link to KM in a previous post; mr lye tagged on our class tagboard; i've mentioned it before, mr lye uploaded the ppt slides/ worksheets on his blog. pls go get them if you havent! or else you wont have anything to study for the eye diseases part.
- annnd, why on earth did the ________ group [i shant say your names explicitly but you should know that i'm referring to the 4 of you] NOT send their ppt to mr lye when i wrote the instructions BIG and CLEAR on the whiteboard one week ago? this affects the whole class!!! please be more considerate and obey instructions next time yea. thanks for your co-operation(:
all the best dears!
(ps, i tried to put myself as a blog author but i realised that it linked my existing blogger account to my old old blog which i've decided not to update anymore. that is sad. is there any way to be a blog author of our class blog without having anything to do with my old blog? and the timing for posts is so screwed! can someone fix it?)