there is a IP1 International Friendship Day Bazaar Stall Competition! :O we need everyone to work together AS A CLASS, okay? we are supposed to do our stall based on a particular country. the country was picked by the House Caps if i'm not wrong. guess what country Joshua picked. we got, INDIA! :D here's the rough outline of what we need to do.
Each class must set up a stall at the bazaar (near the canteen round tables). The stall must feature food/drinks and game from the country assigned to your house. Any costs incurred shall be borne by the class. In return, any profits made from the sale of food/drinks (but not from the game) can be kept by the class.
As there is just one IP1 class in every house, your class will represent your house in the inter-house bazaar stall competition, which will take place on 31 March 2008 (Mon), from 11.20am to 2.20pm. Your stall's food/drinks and game MUST originate from this country (India).
Food/Drinks Section;
State what items we are buying, the unit price, quantity required and total cost price. We have to provide image(s) of item(s) on sale, indicate selling price per item, set reasonable sales target and describe any marketing strategy that your stall is using.
Games Section;
State what items we are buying, the unit price, quantity required and total cost price. We have to provide image(s) of game, set the rules of the game, and describe any marketing strategy that your stall is using.
The game should
- cost $0.20 per play (to be collected in a sealed container)
- just require 1 person to play
- only have 2 possible outcomes (win or lose)
- allow the player to win or lose within 2 mins
- award only 1 sticker to each player who wins
House whose game earns the highest amount of money (n x $0.20) ; 20 points
House whose game earns the second highest amount of money (n x $0.20) ; 10 points
Every bazaar stall will be given 200 stickers to start with. Players who won the game get to paste their stickers under their house on the bazaar scoreboard.
House with the highest number of stickers on the bazaar scoreboard ; 10 points
House with the second highest number of stickers on the bazaar scoreboard ; 5 points
Stall Design;
House with the best bazaar stall design ; 10 points
State what are the items required, quantity, remarks (if any)
By default, each stall will be given 1 canteen table and 1 canteen bench
Work Plan;
State the action required, by when, by who, and remarks (if any)
Actual Time Duty Roster;
Time shifts; 11.20am-11.50pm, 11.50am-12.20pm, 12.20am-12.50pm, 12.50am-1.20pm, 1.20pm-1.50pm, 1.50pm-2.20pm
4 students on duty at each time, state time of duty and handphone number.
Students on duty for the first/last slot are to set up/clear the stall.
House Affiliate (1st-in-charge)
NE Ambassador (2nd-in-charge)
Draft 1 of the proposal is to be submitted via email on 12 March 2008 (Wed)
Extra Information (if you guys wanna know what the other classes are doing);
08IP02 ; China!
08IP03 ; Japan!
08IP04 ; Taiwan!
08IP05 ; Korea!
08IP06 ; Vietnam!
OKAY, that leaves us not enough time! don't blame me, i only got the proposal today. this is going to be a class effort and we're going have to work together. this is for our class, and for the house. the extra money from food/drinks can go entirely to us :D but for now, we would seriously need class fund. please pay up to Audie asap and expect more class fund collection for this period of time. more details, coming up soon. the proposal is currently with me. hope that you guys take this veryveryvery seriously. *gives the serious face*
okay nurul and i have decided to group the class up into 3 different groups so we can get the work done asap. please send your proposals to me by sunday, latest. every single person is expected to do something and the group that doesn't hand in by sunday 10pm have to give a valid reason and come for the Class Com. meeting on next tuesday (: this groupings were done at the most random as possible, and scholars who are going back to their country or people going overseas were taken out with at least two Class Com. members in each team.
Group 1 (Food/Drinks) : Audie, Geraldine, Amy, Victoria, Zhaopei, Jude, Liangjie
Group 2 (Games) : Sara, Eugenie, Nurul, Jingyi, Yida, Taro
Group 3 (Stall Design) : Chandel, Hazel, Qianyun, Wenyi, Daryl, Quang
*I/C are bolded and are expected to send the proposal to Hazel by Sunday. I/Cs are to check their email for how the proposal should be like. Class Com. Members are underlined.
Class Com. and NE Rep are to meet on next Tuesday to discuss the details of the entire proposal. other people who want to come are more than welcomed. venue and time not confirmed. meanwhile, entire class, stay back after IS1102 test tomorrow for a quick briefing. thanks!
meanwhile, GOOD LUCK FOR IS1102 :D