Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Hey all!!! Tomorrow is the second last day of orientation. Almost the end of our one and a half weeks honeymoon period, so let's try to take every chance possible to embrace the joy that we feel during these last few days.

1) Tomorrow, we have a mass dance competition, so please do take some initiative and do the very least we can for the house after all the hard work and effort they have put in just to make us enjoy our time to come in the college. And the very least we can do is: NOT TO SCREW UP THE MASS DANCE (i just wrote that as a reminder to myself, so unless you have two left feet like me you can ignore that statement, haha). So, if you just so happen to be like me, you can go to the njc orientation webby. There, you can watch the videos repeatedly or just follow the dance steps.

2)Those with GIRO forms and have not handed it in to Mr Eng today at the stands, please do so personally to the general office.

3)Report to school tomorrow in full grey at 8.30 AT THE HALL. hehe

That's all I have, hehe. See you guys tomorrow!!!

Oh, by the way, Wen Yi and Yi Da, hope you feel better!!!
