Wednesday, September 9, 2009


ok, as much as u guys may dislike bio, pls remember to do the project!!!
In case u forgot what u're doing or who's ur partner, its as below.

group B: Zhaopei, Jingyi
Group C: Quang, Wenyi
Group D: Liang Jie, Yida
Group E: Victoria, Charmaine
Group E: Nurul, Audie
Group F: Jude, Hazel
Group F: Aditya, Wengkin
Group G: Eugenie, Chandel
Group G: Taro, Daryl
Group H: Wanying, Minh

Project poster due on Tues, the main question (PLS look at the paper again if u don't know what it is) is due on 11/9/09. Send ur question to me, so I can send to Mrs Ten
Thanks !!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

hello ppl:)

eh i think we kinda forgot to wish wengkin happy birthday as a class leh. HAHA. oopsie. anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAN WENG KIN, PRESIDENT OF DRAMA AND PICKPOCKETS SOCIETY:)